Come and paint with other art enthusiasts, bring whatever you are working on, any medium, any subject, any ability and get some tuition if you need it. Everyone is welcome from absolute beginners who would like to dip their toes in and try out a session before embarking on a course, to those who have been on many of Kate's courses and just want to keep practising in a fun, friendly and inspiring environment. There isn't any structured teaching at the Artynoons but demos and tuition can be requested and advice sought from Kate and fellow artists. Just join us and paint!

COST: £30 for 3 hours (includes homemade cake and drinks).

TIME & PLACE: Every Thursday from 2.00 - 5.00pm at Storrington Village Hall, 59 West Street, Storrington, RH20 4DZ. Please note: there will be no classes on Thursdays 30th Jan, 6th & 13th Feb... and there probably won't be any Artynoons on 17th April, 5th June, 4th & 11th Sept, 13th & 20th Nov or Christmas Day either!


Bring whatever materials you are using and photos or still life objects to help inspire and inform your work. Kate always has a selection of materials and photos for inspiration should you find yourself without.

Storrington-Village-Hall-600x800 copy.jpg


Storrington Village Hall
59 West Street, STORRINGTON,
West Sussex, RH20 4DZ.

There is free parking in the Leisure Centre and roads leading up to it opposite the pond, in North St. or in Monastery Lane by the doctors' surgery (although they are clamping down on cars parked in the lane so please check any notices). You can park in the small car park opposite the petrol station for 3 hours if you have a Horsham County Council parking disc and you can use the layby outside the hall to drop off your materials.

It was an absolute treat to get together yesterday. No wonder you were excited to see everyone face to face. It felt like normality. It is amazing, being with a group of people doing the same sort of thing really uplifts us.
— Anne G, 2021
After attending some of the courses and enjoying the shared experience I was looking forward to the relaxed afternoons. Kate’s input of suggestions, observations and experience is always worthwhile and helpful.
— David R (summer 2015)
Lovely to join you and your lovely Artynoon group, as usual. It has become a firm appointment in my diary and a highlight of my week, second only to grandchildren. I feel I have made progress for the first time since I ventured into an art shop to snatch some brushes and tubes and board. I will progress some of my previous pictures along the lines of your invaluable advice. I am so pleased I popped in that afternoon! Fate. I would love to join you all next week...
— Peter N, 2018
Kate is a very patient and considerate teacher with good ideas. It was great coming together with other like-minded students, seeing everyone’s work and, of course, the fabulous tea and cake!!!
— Anita R (summer 2016)
The cake, the tea, the sunshine, the company, the banter - a very enjoyable few weeks with lots of advice and encouragement. I can definitely recommend it.
— Lesley S (summer 2016)
Friendly, relaxing and very helpful.
— Francis P (summer 2016)
Thank you for introducing and reminding me of various artists and their work. I particularly liked your paint demos - you make it look so easy!
— Marian W

Student Galleries & Comments

Click on image or title to see a variety of students' work from each course

Of all the art tutors I have had I think you have helped me improve the most and taken me on the furthest.
— Kay W
Camaraderie, laughter, encouragement and cake. Kate is very patient, encouraging and always finds something positive to say even when you don’t think what you’ve done is any good!
— Jacqui F, 2017
I was looking for a relaxing time and space... I like working with others (who were all working on something different) and listening to Kate’s advice.
— Rebecca L, 2017
A very enjoyable time in a very amenable venue. Everyone was friendly and we all loved the cake!
— Anne G (summer 2015)
Time flies when you’re having fun - true - the afternoons pass so quickly. A great experience - learning, applying, playing in a congenial, supportive and encouraging atmosphere. Kate is so good at giving guidance while leaving decisions to the student ie. she helps the student see what needs to be done without imposing.
— Juliette L
Kate’s sessions are not only nice, long and friendly, but also very instructive and helpful, not least because examples of her own work are so brilliant, both the portraits (humans and pets) and landscapes. And her home-made cakes are mouthwatering. So we can be inspired to cook as well as paint.
— Noreen B
Vivamus pellentesque vitae neque at vestibulum. Donec efficitur mollis dui vel pharetra.
— Peter N, 2018

Art Class Gift Voucher

Treat someone you love. Available in any amount as whole or part payment towards any chosen course, class or workshop.
